In order to ensure you receive email updates from us regarding upcoming events, courses and free resources, follow these instructions:
For Gmail:
- In your Inbox, check under your “Promotions” tab for any emails from either St. Bernard's School of Theology and Ministry; Matthew Brown at; or Bernadette Bobrowski at
- Drag any of those emails from the “Promotions” tab to your “Primary” tab.
(Note: If these emails are already getting delivered to your “Primary” tab, then just go back later and check your “Promotions” tab periodically to make sure you’re not missing anything.) - This will train Gmail that you wish our emails to be delivered to your “Primary” tab in the future.
For other email service providers:
- Instructions for whitelisting in Apple Mail can be read here
- Instructions for Outlook can be read here
- Instructions for Yahoo can be read here
For all other email service providers, please add us ( as a contact in your address book.