Our esteemed staff provide the day-to-day structure of our school - from the behind-the-scenes work of processing paperwork, to the more academic and administrative roles of helping students achieve their goals. Please feel free to contact them at their contact information listed in their profiles below:

President / Professor of Philosophy
Stephen Loughlin, Ph.D.

Vice President and Academic Dean / Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
Matthew Kuhner, Ph.D.

Director of Admissions and Student Services
Matt Brown, M.P.A.

Director of Marketing & Communications
Bernadette Bobrowski

Director of Finance and Human Resources
Deacon Ed Knauf

Operations Assistant
Kevin Fitzpatrick

Bookkeeper and Financial Aid Coordinator
Shannon Toot

Events Assistant
Maria Mruzek

Academic Writing Consultant
Deacon Gary Andelora, MSE, MAT