The Second Vatican Council and Religious Freedom: The Dignity of the Human Person and the Gentle Strength of the Truth - St. Bernard's

The Second Vatican Council and Religious Freedom: The Dignity of the Human Person and the Gentle Strength of the Truth

What did the Second Vatican Council say about religious freedom? How can we understand religious freedom in relationship to evangelization and the pursuit of the truth? Finally, how are we to understand ourselves as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven and as citizens of an earthly political community? This talk will explore the Second Vatican Council's reflections on religious freedom, contextualizing them within a broader meditation on Jesus's teaching concerning the Kingdom of God and how we might propose to the Gospel to all peoples while respecting their God-given freedom to pursue the truth in the sanctuary of their hearts.

NB: This talk has been prepared as a ninety-minute interactive presentation designed for adult faith enrichment and formation. Those interested in having this presenter visit your parish can book this talk below:

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