Withstanding National Tuition Trends: St. Bernard's Freezes Tuition Rates for 2024 - 2025
Sep 3, 2024
It’s no secret that across the nation inflation continues to skyrocket, affecting all aspects of daily life – including higher education. With inflation averaging 4.1% this past year, most colleges and universities had to increase tuition rates by as much as 5%.
When faced with the question of how to keep tuition rates affordable for students in the midst of mounting prices, St. Bernard’s answered back: tuition for all programs will be frozen for the 2024 - 2025 academic year, maintaining the same rates as last year. “We are blessed at St. Bernard’s to be in a position to aid our students beyond the excellent education and formation that our degree and certificate programs provide” states Dr. Loughlin, President of St. Bernard’s. “In the face of these difficult economic times and the great effort that our students exhibit in responding to God’s call, this is something that is within our ability to do most willingly.”

Recognizing that many of the School’s students are those engaged in or discerning active ministry, St. Bernard’s knows how imperative it is to keep tuition rates affordable. In addition, St. Bernard’s works hard to ensure its students have the resources they need to finance their graduate education: thanks to our donors and the various funds they have built up over the years, generous scholarships are available for the lay men and women that come to study at St. Bernard’s.
Catholic formation – a deepening of mind and heart in the contemplation of divine revelation – is of paramount importance in this day and age. How often such contemplation gives rise to a new call, a new mission of service in the Church! St. Bernard’s believes that, when possible, tuition rates should never serve as a barrier or hindrance in hearing and answering this call.

With increasing costs ever on the rise, St. Bernard’s is proud to be keeping tuition rates as affordable as possible. May the Lord continue to bless the School and all its students as they seek to answer the Lord’s call to ever greater conversion of mind and heart through graduate education!